Turmeric, garlic, flax seeds, corainder, broccoli, beetroot, artichokes are some of the detox foods found in nature.
Indeed, they work well and over a long period of time, heal your body to a huge extent.
However, for most of us it is difficult to have them on a regular basis and in effective quantity to have the desired effect on health.
We, at EarthPulse, have been using the PEMF therapy system as a natural detox treatment.
PEMF therapy tunes your cells to produce more energy (needed for production of hormones and neurotransmitter chemicals) and helps to achieve natural detox.
These synergistic effects elevate mood and cure hangovers or jetlags within a few minutes or hours! (depending from user to user).
This is surely the best way to naturally detox without turning to medication.
PEMF Therapy devices made by EarthPulse have a truly universal application.
Think of an EarthPulse as an instrument. It has been reported by most of our users to improve their sleep, energy levels and stamina, pain and mental health on a long-term basis.
Thus it is important to note that you simply can not experience the peak health benefits in a few days or even a few months. Feel younger, clearer, pain-free and more energetic year by year!
Discover now, how to get the most benefit from PEMF Therapy devices by EarthPulse.
To understand how PEMF therapy works scientifically for Natural Detox, read our theory – MoreATP
This novel natural detox method exposes the entire body to all night sessions of very-mild, pulsed electromagnetic fields, mainly at 9.6 Hz to greatly enhancing levels of naturally obtained ATP. This is why we have termed it as More-ATP!
The very same pulsating magnetic fields that entrain us to sleep by a method called brain-wave entrainment, have also been proven in several different physiological and neurological studies to stimulate the cell’s mitochondria, ultimately resulting in improved cellular respiration and oxydative phosphorylation which includes the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle).
This results in increased enzyme levels known to be associated with oxygen metabolism and provides more ATP with much lesser oxidative waste in the cells also known as Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS).
Natural detox occures so well after weeks of nightly PEMF therapy use, that cells start producing high levels of ATP (known by the body to be associated with youthfullness), that the cells actually revert from mature to developmental DNA signature! This has been proven by NASA.
EarthPulse is the only pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy system on the planet that delivers such frequencies for night-long use, acts as a natural detox agent and is very easy to use too. It doesn’t matter whether you are 19 or 90, you will definately benefit from your EarthPulse!
You’re not getting any younger … but you could be.
Get an EarthPulse Now!
Bestellen : Nederlands --- Commander : Frans --- To order : Engels --- Bestellung : Duits
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